- Performed numerous loggings of exploratory soil borings, groundwater monitoring wells, and Soil Vapor Extraction Wells. Familiar with the Unified Soil Classification System.
- Conducted several Sensitive Receptor Surveys (SRS).
- Experienced working with professional engineers and geologists on the installation of SVE and Air Sparging (AS) Systems.
- Experience working on SVE/AS Pilot Tests.
- Has conducted hundreds of Quarterly Monitoring Sampling Events.
- Familiar with groundwater field equipment such as: Hydac and Hanna temp/cond/pH meters, purge pumps, bailing devices, surge blocks, etc.
- Familiar with the collection of soil and groundwater samples.
- Participated in several groundwater pump tests.
- Familiar with the preparation of quarterly monitoring reports and sampling event sheets.
- Computer skills include: Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe Illustrator.
- Practice Of Geology (PG), June 2017
- Geologist In Training (GIT), June 2016
- 2012-Worked in Indonesia with University of Gadjah Mada in identifying drinking water contaminated with fuel oxygenates and constituents in Sidoarjo, East Java villages around LUSI mud volcano.
- Environmental & Geological Solutions, 1999 to Present.
- San Diego State University, MS Geology, Spring 2013.
- San Diego State University, BS Geological Sciences, Spring 2009.
- A.A. Santa Rosa Junior College, 2002-2005 – General Education, Engineering, and Geology, w/two years of Calculus.
- AAPG Member Number: 10049856.
- Delta Upsilon Fraternity: 2005-2007.