Alex Gallardo Details


  • Conducted several Sensitive Receptor Surveys (SRS).
  • Has conducted hundreds of Quarterly Monitoring Sampling Events.
  • Familiar with groundwater field equipment such as: Hydac and Hanna temp/cond/pH meters, purge pumps, bailing devices, surge blocks, etc.
  • Familiar with the collection of soil and groundwater samples.
  • Participated in several groundwater pump tests, and DPE Pilot tests.
  • Computer skills include: Word Perfect, Microsoft Word.
  • Familiar with collecting and monitoring data from SVE machines.



  • EGS Marketing Manager
  • Environmental & Geological Solutions, 2002 to present.



  • G.E., Maria Carillio High School, 2005.
  • Sierra Community College, 2010 to present.


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